Thursday, 26 July 2012

Interactive 7 Things for 7 Days List

Louise has started an interactive community post, in which everyone posts seven things they want to do in seven days or just throughout the month as lists are posted on a monthly basis. I love making goals and lists so I thought I would join in too!

In August I will:

1. Decorate: we are moving into our flat next week, so August's main goal will be to get it all in order. We already have most of the furniture and decorative things we need so it should just be the simple task of deciding where everything goes!

2. Project bikini body: it's a few short weeks until I'm sunning it up in a bikini and I want to be a little bit more toned before getting half nakie!

3. Work on my blog: as you already know this is a really new blog and I love working on it so far, so I want to continue as I mean to go on!

4. Finalise engagement party guestlist: we're having a big engagement party. We want it to be only family and very close friends and there's a few people I'm debating over but we're going to have to finalise it in the next month and send those invites.

5. Switch to more organic products: as I'm using up lots of the products I have now, I want to replace them with more organic ones.

6. Reconnect with friends: it's been a crazy busy month with sorting out the big move and working all the time, so I think a few of my friends have been neglected :( Maybe a housewarming party is the solution? ;)

7. Revise!: I have a couple of exams to take which I couldn't do during the actual exam period because of the crash my fiance and I were in, so the resit period is looming and that means I need to hit the books!

There are my seven things! I will come back to this at the end of August and let you all know how I got on with my list!

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